Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Fashion Post for May :D

I haven't been blogging much, sooo busy with school & work xD; Thankfully, tomorrow is my last class! I only have to listen to oral presentations, write 2 reports (150 words each) and send them by colnet before May 23rd and I'm freeee!

I wanted to post this way earlier, since the month of May is almost over...but oh well, school comes first.

This month, I went through Ageha, Egg, Kera, Popteen & Ranzuki. One thing I've been noticing is that being a fujoshi is starting to really be accepted, even considered "fashionable". There was a whole section of maybe 3-4 pages on "How to cosplay Hatsune Miku", ads for upcoming anime conventions, Butler Cafe reviews, and there was a section on "awesome accessories" of Lilo & Stitch, Hello Kitty and...One Piece. Yep. It surprises me that a Shounen would be popular amongst the Gyaru community o_O The cosplayer in the Miku tutorial is so cute too <3 Oh, there were also some Palty ads by Kara in every magazine I read <3

So here are the outfits I like from this month's issues!

Since there were so many outfits I liked from this month's Ageha, I made 3 collages of 3 outfits each. First, I love the dress because it's simple and still reminds me of a nautical theme. <3 As for the 2 others, they're still from my new-found love for the Yurufuwa, Motekawa style, this time in Blue & Pink. I'm not sure if it would look good on me though, maybe it's TOO girly? >.<

Again with the floral trend, I love the floral poofy shorts on the 1st model <3 Balloon shorts/skirts tend not to look good on me though, but I'd love to have a flowy skirt with a similar floral pattern.
I'd like to have a denim romper similar to the model on the left, rompers are sooo comfortable <3 I'd also like to have a tartan dress with an empire waist. I especially LOVE the high-waist denim shorts on the 3rd model, they're so cute <3 Love the gold buttons :D

Now for this month's edition of Egg! What I love about this magazine are the street shots, so many fashionable girls just as beautiful as supermodels <3 For the 1st model, I have an addiction for Union Jack stuff (The British flag). I love how her patterned leggings match perfectly with her shirt, plus they're kind of Alice in Wonderland-ish with the cards printed on them :D I would die of happiness if I found leggings like these in stores. As for the 2nd model, I love coloured overalls, and these pink ones are just too cute xD; I don't know if I'd be able to pull 'em off though. The 2 last picks are actually streetshots :D I love the style of the 3rd girl, so colourful <3 I like how she pulled off wearing a flashy blue shirt even though she has pink hair and a pink skirt, it goes so well together. I also like her furry legwarmers~ As for the 4th girl, I looove her asymmetrical-patterned stockings <3

It's rare that I like Kera, since it's mostly Oshare-kei...but I loved this month's issue <3 Probably because of it's abundance of Union Jack clothes. xD I love the 1st model because of her pink-striped shirt. I found one at Mode de Star once, but they only accepted cash and I didn't have enough to buy it xD; She also has a mini top-hat made of playing cards, maybe I should make one too o: As for the 2nd model, she kinda reminded me of Oosaki Nana from NANA even if she has platinum blonde hair. Maybe because of the haircut, rocker style and makeup? Anyway, since I recently went blonde, I was worried that leopard-print stockings might look weird on me...but on her, it looks great o: So maybe I'll return to Swatow to get them. I also love the asymmetrical skirt and the plaid shirt :D The 3rd model caught my eye with her diamond-printed stockings, it's a shame you can't really see them here >.< I also have a recent obsession with off-shoulder baggy short shirts, I don't know if you know what I mean xD; They're sooo comfortable and refreshing! For the 2 last models, obviously, it's because of Union Jack. xD;; So pretty <3 I don't know why, but I just love the combination of red, white and navy. That's also why I like Nautical-themed clothes as well.

Now for Popteen! Gingham patterns seem to be in style this month, I had a hard time choosing my favourite Gingham outfits xD; So I love the dress on the 1st model <3 I also love the 3rd model's polka dot dress, it looks classic and chic~ As for the 2nd model, it's to go with my recent overall craze xD I love how structured and fitted these denim overalls are :D

Lastly, it's Ranzuki's turn~ I absolutely love the polka dot skirt with suspenders on the 1st model, it's so vintage and cute <3 As for the 2nd model, I love her gingham-print skirt and cake T-Shirt :D I LOVE the huge-polka dots on the 3rd model's skirt, and it looks so flowy and fun~ As for the last model, it's the last gingham pick that I have <3 Her dress is just so cute, and paired with the navy cardigan, it looks so formal. It's something I would wear to work...if I was allowed to wear dresses to work. xD; I think I'm only allowed to wear black dresses for work, as long as they're not too short (of course).

So that's it for this month's fashion!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

April Fashion Collages

I've been scanning through the April issue of various Japanese Fashion Magazines; I got Ageha, Egg, Popteen & Ranzuki. Seeing all those pretty clothes inspired me to be more dedicated to my fashion sense. I've been so stressed out during the semester, I haven't really been taking care of my appearance...thus, I'll try looking more fashionable this summer!

I've already bought a couple of new pieces that I really love <3 I'm going to upload pictures of them on Facebook soon enough. I don't really like uploading pictures of me on my blog. Never know who's reading this.

So I gathered the outfits I liked the most from Ageha & Popteen and made super awesome collages :D Well...super simple montages, but the models are cute. <3

I want girly dresses. <3 I got a new floral dress that I really love, but it's more flashy-coloured...I'd love to have one similar to the one on the left, white/cream with florals. The one in the middle is a cute, simple white dress. The dress on the right has very subtle floral patterns, so I like that one too. :D

I want a "Yurufuwa, Motekawa" style like the 1st model <3 Yurufuwa: Light, fluffy hairstyle & Motekawa: Cutesy, Doll-like dresses/tops. It's pretty popular right now. I also love the 2nd outfit because it's like a sailor dress <3 I really like the combination of navy & white! As for the 3rd dress, I probably won't get anything like it since it tends to look really weird on me >.< But if I can find a sexy black dress that doesn't make me look weird, I'd like to have one.

I'd like to have a new vest, since the one I have is getting old xD; And a polka-dot skirt is always good to have in one's wardrobe, no? :D As for the 2nd outfit, I'd really love to find a hat like that, it's so cute~ I'd also like to get new structured mini-shorts, plaid blouses & perhaps some waist chains to hang on my shorts/jeans. As for the 3rd outfit, I love oversized sweaters, especially striped *thumbs up* And even though summer is coming, some nights can get quite chilly, so it'd be nice to throw on an oversized sweater over my clothing and BAM, instantly kept warm.

So that's it! Those are the outfits that I loved in this month's issues of Ageha & Popteen. I'll probably make one for May, once I get the scans, gather the outfits I like, and have time to post them. xD;

Sunday, April 17, 2011

New Anime Season

Some people have been asking me which anime I've been watching & what I recommend, but the list is so long o_O I've liked the 2 past seasons, followed a lot of series. Until like last summer, I wasn't really into anime. Didn't watch that much, I only watched maybe 1-2 series per season or watched really oldschool anime.

Since my friends already know about the past anime I've watched, thanks to the "30 Days of Anime" challenge on Facebook, this blog post will be about the anime series currently airing. I didn't watch all of them, I only watched those with summaries that interested me. This is my first time rating stuff though, so I'll probably be really bad at it. xD;

A Channel
Genre: Comedy, Shoujo Ai, Slice of Life
Plot Summary: Series about four friends; Tooru (who has just entered the same high school as her best childhood friend Run), Run (who is now a second year) and Yuuko & Nagi (Run's friends) in their daily lives. Tooru takes a test so she can enter the same high school as Run, the girl she likes. She passes, but when she goes to tell Run, she finds her hugging a girl she's never seen before.
Review: The OP and ED are pretty normal, nothing special; the songs represent well what the anime is about. What I liked however was in the OP, the animation includes a view of the actual single containing the OP song, with the artist's picture on top and the CD coming out of it. I've never seen that in any OP/ED before. If I had to describe the actual anime, I'd say it's a mix of Lucky Star (every-day situations) with K-On (similar voices/personalities). However, I found this slice of life wayyy better than Lucky Star. The situations are less boring, and they're things I can actually relate to. Like in the 2nd episode, they show how changing a single thing about someone's appearance (like letting down your bangs if you pin them up or taking off your glasses) can change a person drastically, or even when they were caught under the rain and went to Nagi's house. As for the characters, Tooru is REALLY cute, she's the littlest one; she's protective of Run, she'd even bring a baseball bat to chase off boys who want to get too close to her. However, she's not really a Tsundere; she just a jealous little cutie pie. Run is pretty much like Yui from K-On xD Air-headed, clumsy, carefree. Yuuko is pretty much like Mio from K-On, she gets scared/intimidated easily. However, Yuuko spoke some heavy Osaka-ben, so I'd be screwed if I watched it without subs x_X She was the only one I couldn't understand fully. And pretty normal. She's smart, caring, but still occasionally teases Yuuko by scaring her. A refreshing slice-of-life that I can actually relate to. However, Tooru & Run's "relationship" is pretty much like the one I have with Chha, so I don't know how far the Shoujo Ai in this is going to go. xD;
Rating: ★★★★★ Definitely going to keep watching

Ano hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai
Aka "The Longest Anime Title I've Ever Seen".
Genre: Slice of Life, Tragedy
Plot Summary: Six childhood friends grew apart in high school. One of them is Jintan, now a shut-in. He gets a request to fulfil a wish for Menma, the only one of their friends to have stayed the same over the years. In order to grant her wish, he will have to find and reunite their old friends.
Review: I cried, and it's just the first episode. ;-; Menma is actually a girl who died, which affected the friendship between the 5 other childhood friends. Anaru became a stylish gyaru with a whole new bunch of friends, Poppo is a "weirdo" with a particular fetish who stays at their old hideout with his porn magazines, and Yukiatsu & Tsuruko are the only ones who still hang together. I'm not sure how this fits as a Slice of Life though, so far it looks like it has a plot; for Menma to remember what her wish is, and for Jintan to help her gather everyone and make it come true.
Rating: I feel like I'm going to be bad at rating these things xD; But again, ★★★★★. The 1st episode was really good imo, and I can't wait to see the next one.

Astarotte no Omocha!
Genre: Comedy, Romance, Supernatural
t Summary: While job hunting, Naoya is taken by a mysterious girl to a magical land where he is installed in the harem of the succubus Queen Lotte. Thanks to trauma from her childhood, Lotte hates men and surrounds herself with lots of other women, who all have quirks of their own. In spite of her selfishness, when Naoya learns that Lotte is really quite lonely he agrees to stay in her world...if he can bring his daughter Asuha with him.
Review: The only reason I watched this is because I saw Julien looking at its official website a few months ago, saying it looked terrible. ...He was right. Well, maybe it's because I'm not into Fantasy-like anime, or over-excessive fanservice...but there isn't anything in it that made me want to watch more of it. :/ The plot is pretty basic; Queen Lotte hates men, but must "suck a life-seed" to survive, so her assistant brings a guy from the Human world without her consent. They tried to add some "drama" to counterbalance the fanservice, by making Lotte worry when her assistant was gone, wanting to save her from the other Realm...but it just didn't did it for me. Again, maybe because it's all Fantasy-based, and I'm not into Fantasy. xD; The most Fantasy I've watched in an anime are Mahou Shoujo and Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu/Shoushitsu. Plus both the OP/ED songs were pretty boring to me, I wouldn't sing them at karaoke. They both contained pretty emotionless voices, plain melodies...but the animation was pretty. Loved the bright colours & contrasts.
Rating: ★★☆☆☆ Definitely not going to continue watching, unless someone convinces me that it gets better later on.

Deadman Wonderland
Genre: Action, Horror
Plot Summary: Igarashi Ganta finds himself in prison after the Red Man kills his entire class leaving only him alive to take the blame for it. Ganta gets thrown into Deadman Wonderland a prison/amusement park where the prisoners provide the show for the audiences. Ganta is now to avenge his classmates and kill the Red Man even if it means digging into the dark and horrifying secrets of Deadman Wonderland.
Review: Normally, I'm not into action/horror Shounen, but this one really caught my eye. I read a bit of the manga while I was waiting for the bus after my job, and I thought that I might like it. So far, I do. Last Shounen with this much gore that I've seen was Death Note, and I think this one might be even better. The summary got me intrigued, because I wondered how a prison could also work as an amusement park o_O Usually, you want to keep obeying citizens away from criminals. Apparently, the inmates participate into some crazy events in order to survive, and it serves as entertainment for those who come watch. Not to sound insane, but that sounds interesting. xD; I was scared that this might be a series that I can't watch, since I can't watch blood, but it seems alright. It's not TOO graphic. To give you an idea, I was able to watch Death Note completely, but I wasn't able to watch the first 2 minutes of the 1st episode of Higurashi. I guess it's the method of killing that matters. The more supernatural it is, the less it affects my illness. For those who don't know...I have an illness called "vagal shock", which basically means that my brain filters what I can and cannot see; aka, I cannot see blood. I'm not afraid of blood, I don't even have time to see the blood, my brain just automatically switches off and forces me to faint. Thus, I have to be really careful when choosing what I watch.
Rating: ★★★★★, Definitely will watch as much as I can, until my brain decides that I can't watch no more. I hope I'll be able to watch the whole series.

Hen Zemi
Comedy, Ecchi, Seinen
Plot Summary: Matsutaka Nanako is a normal university student, who happened to enroll in Abnormal Physiology Seminar. She tries to keep her mental state sound, but other abnormal classmates start to influence her personality...
Review: I liked how the OP presented the characters in a new, artistic way by showing their artistic process. For each of them, there's a blank notepad, a hand rips the page to reveal an inked sketch of the character underneath, and then the hands rips the page again to show the inked sketch fully coloured. No obnoxious electro pop song that I would possibly love, but just a little vocal-less beat during 25 seconds before the show actually starts. Besides, each episode is only 12 minutes long, so there would be less content if they made an actual 1-minute opening. The ending makes up for it though. xD Cute song, cute beat. As for the actual's WEIRD AS FUCK. I don't know if I'll keep watching, but I'll try to watch the following episodes xD;; Basically, they do "serious studies" on weird habits, fetishes or addictions that are usually considered gross/unclean/unaccepted in modern society. So there's one girl doing a study about the odor that emerges when you fart in a bathtub, another growing fly nests in her ears to note how they mature in an earwax environment, someone taking pantyshot pictures to evaluate what makes pantyshots exciting...When I read the description, I had no idea how weird this anime was going to get. However, since the protagonist is naive & modest, it makes it way more interesting than if everyone was corrupted, you know? I guess that's why I watched 2 episodes of it.
Rating: ★★★☆☆

Hidan no Aria
Genre: Action, Comedy
Plot Summary: The story takes place in Tokyo Butei High School, a special school where armed detectives — "Butei" — are trained to use weapons. Kinji Tooyama is a second-year-student who has a special ability, but he keeps it a secret to maintain an ordinary, peaceful life. However, when he gets caught in a bombing on the way to school, he encounters H. Aria Kanzaki, the most powerful S-Rank Butei student in Assault Studies.
Review: The beginning of Episode 1 really reminded me of Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu because of its protagonist; a guy narrating what a typical movie/anime opening scene would be, how the protagonist would be the hero and a girl would fall from the sky and change his world completely...and then adds how he doesn't want to be part of that kind of world since it's too dangerous, but deep inside, I bet he loves it. However, he looks like he has more personality in him than Kyon did (if you base yourself only on Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu, because he was AWESOME in Shoushitsu), so it's so far so good. The OP is something I'd probably sing at karaoke; catchy, fast-paced lyrics...and I knew right away that it was by May'n before I saw her name in the opening credits. xD So there's this moemoekyunshit character (Shirayuki) that I sense that I won't like. She seems to have no personality like Mikuru, aka she's only there because she's cute, praises the male protagonist and has huge boobs. So she's wearing a school uniform, which is supposed to cover pretty much everything (top-wise anyway), but she still manages to show off some cleavage, and the guy spots her black laced bra? Yeah, right. I want subtle fanservice, plzthx, I don't want to see boobs flashing when they aren't supposed to. The concept of learning to use weapons in school looks kinda interesting though, so as long I ignore that stupid moemoekyun character, I'll keep watching. The gun-wielding loli is kickass though, and I like the way they show the Kinji's "manly urges" xDD Kinji's ability is also SUPER AWESOME, I love how they animated it.
Rating: ★★★★☆

Comedy, Slice of Life
Plot Summary: While the title suggests a story of simple, everyday school life, the contents are more the opposite. The setting is a strange school where you may see the principal wrestle a deer or a robot's arm hide a roll-cake. However there are still normal stories, like making a card castle or taking a test you didn't study for.
Review: This is the FUNNIEST slice of life I've ever seen xD EVERYTHING is unexpected. The OVA isn't that funny, but the actual series is. I've laughed out loud during all 3 first episodes, and I usually never laugh out loud. My favourite bits are with the android, the child inventor and the talking cat. My favourite 3 characters of the series so far :D Seriously, this is like no other slice-of-life anime I've seen before. Like in the 1st episode, there's this scene where the android is running super fast, and sees that she's going to run into a naturally, we all think "This is going to be like those cheesy shoujo scenes, in which the girl bumps into the guy, the guy catches her before she touches the ground and sparkles & sakura petals fall from the sky" She bumps into the guy, causing a MASSIVE NUCLEAR EXPLOSION. Best unexpected scene ever.
Rating: ★★★★★

Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi
Genre: Yaoi
Plot Summary: Even though Ritsu Onodera hates to rely on family connections, he winds up taking a job as an editor at his parents' company, Marukawa Books. To his chagrin, he's assigned to the shoujo manga department in spite of having no interest or experience in it. And on top of that, he has an awful first impression of his high-handed editor in chief, Masamune Takano. What comes after is a story of first love full of tears and laughter.
Review: I didn't like it. :/ I guess I'm just not into yaoi? I don't see what the hype is, it's all fanservice. I watched 2 episodes, and the storyline is very basic; guy meets his sempai at the school library, he helps him pick up a book from a high shelf, instantly falls in love. They can't even tell why they love each other, they just do. Sex on the first date never impressed me, especially in this case, when the kohai can't even tell his sempai anything except appologising. If he can't even have a conversation with you, I would take things at a slower pace :/ Hold hands, hug, kiss, and only have sex when those first things become natural. But maybe that's just me, since I valued my virginity and all...
Rating: ★☆☆☆☆ (Animation was pretty cool and some jokes were funny)

Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san
Genre: Comedy, Supernatural
Plot Summary: Akutabe, a detective, summons devils to solve the troubles of his clients. One day, a low class devil Azazel Atsushi is summoned by Akutabe and is used harshly by him and his assistant Rinko Sakuma.
Review: Another series with 12-minute long episodes. No complaints about this one, but I don't have anything good to say about it either...some jokes are funny, so I guess it's entertaining when you have a little break. So far, only 2 episodes are out, and it seems like they introduce a new demon per episode. Episode 1 was about Azazel-san, the redheaded dog-like creature in the middle. He's pretty much a demon who specialises in sexual harassment. 2nd episode introduced Beelzebub, the classy penguin (who is actually a fly), who's "special ability" is to force organic beings to defecate.
Rating: ★★☆☆☆